Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I'd just like to start off by saying howdy, my name is Andrew Weinstock and I'm a senior finance major from Austin, Texas.

I'm a big fan of most sports, but I particularity enjoy playing tennis and basketball. I'm quite into cars and most things dealing with motor sport, but I don't follow any competitive racing too closely at all. Watching the Texas A&M football games in the fall is definitely something I hate to miss, which was sad while I studied abroad in England last year, as I wasn't able to find a source that was showing the game. Luckily enough though, this was the year that I didn't want to miss.

I hope that after I have completed this course, I will have a much better understanding of real estate and the many professions that come out of this sector of the economy. Even thus far, I've been able to expand my knowledge on the subject much further than I ever assumed I would, and I hope that can continue throughout the year.

As per my short term career goals, I'd really like to be working for a small-middle sized financial firm, doing what exactly, I'm not quite certain yet, but will continue to update on that through the blog when I know of any new developments. In the long term, I'd love to be working at a hedge fund, or in some way managing a portfolio of many financial assets.


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