Here's an extremely interesting story I found on a foreclosure that dealt with the farm owner's pet being too big to move to the new property the owner purchased after his property was foreclosed upon. This pet, a 1000-pound pig, was "destined" for the slaughter house as the news reporter states, was saved by the neighbors after they found out he wasn't going to have a place to stay anymore.
Sadly, it doesn't say whether nor not it was judicial or non-judicial. I would have to assume the process was handled outside of the courts, making it a non-judicial case, as he defaulted and handed the property over to the institution that held his mortgage. It also did not state why he lost the farm, but as the farming industry goes, a small-Joe farmer has a hard time in a tough economy, especially with severe droughts in many areas of the U.S. within the past few years. Thus, I'd have to conclude he couldn't pay the bills that he had through his farm.